Goshu Shimazu Clan (江州島津氏)

The Goshu Shimazu Clan rose in Omi Province and was one of the branch families of the Shimazu Clan of Satsuma Province.


Saemon no jo Yorimasa SHIMAZU, the fifth son of Rokurozaemon no jo Tadayori SHIMAZU (the fourth son of Tadatsuna) of the Echizen Shimazu Clan was appointed as Jito (manager and lord of manor) of Yono-go, Asai-gun County, Omi Province, where he became the founder of the Goshu Shimazu Clan. The descendants of the direct line changed the name to Sugaura, which came down to the Shinshiro Tadamori SUGAURA family, Shoya (village headman) of the Honda Clan in the Zeze Domain. The branch families assumed the name of Shimazu, which has come down to the present.

[Original Japanese]